Tree for All
Tree for All is a partnership among more than forty public, private and nonprofit organizations dedicated to watershed health in Oregon's Tualatin Valley.
As Tree for All’s communication team since 2014, Sheepscot developed and maintains a lively, award-winning brand that includes a responsive website, active social feeds, multimedia case studies and a digital communication hub. With dozens of videos, thousands of photographs and more copywriting than we can easily quantify, our work helps Tree for All partners articulate the collaborative mission to residents, regulators, partners and peers; and it serves on-the-ground personnel, from ecologists to transportation planners to student volunteers, to educate the public about what they do and why.
When the Balm Grove dam was removed from Gales Creek in 2022, it marked the culmination of a years-long effort by Tree for All partners to open more than thirty miles of previously obstructed fish habitat—but not everyone in the community understood why the effort would be worth it. Working closely with Tree for All representatives, we scripted and produced an emotionally resonant story that demonstrates the benefits that dam removal will have on the local ecosystem.
The project team made a conscious decision to omit some local details to make the story universal. They aimed to make a video that can be shared by watershed stewards near and far to inspire the removal of fish barriers across the United States.
Public and private partners in the Tualatin River watershed set out to plant a million trees and shrubs in one planting season. Ambitious, right? Documenting the community’s effort was downright inspiring. And gratifying—our video was crowned “Best Public Outreach Video” by WEFTEC, the world’s largest water quality event.
Sheepscot designed, developed and maintains a website as dynamic as the Tree for All program itself.
To help maintain consistency across all channels, we create print case studies for use as takeaways at conferences and meetings.
Sheepscot documents Tree for All projects across the watershed and manages the program's digital assets. We shoot aerial and hand-held footage at project sites in all seasons and weather to show the impact of projects that protect the Tualatin Watershed's health.