We take photos that bring your brand to life.
Over the years, Sheepscot has produced more than a thousand photos for digital and print display. We shoot indoors and out, in all seasons and weather, with hand-held cameras and drones.
See our full portfolio here.
Photography can be an efficient, cost-effective way to keep a brand fresh and up-to-date. One photoshoot can provide a year’s worth of content. (Over the years, we’ve created many branded templates for clients that can be easily adapted with new artwork by in-house staff.)
Each year, we conduct a pair of portrait shoots for Metropolitan Youth Symphony in iconic Portland-area locations. MYS uses the photographs to populate a full year’s worth of ads, emails and concert programs.
Much of our clients’ work revolves around environmental protection and habitat restoration. Over the course of nearly a decade, our team has documented the rehabilitation of dozens of sites throughout the Tualatin River Watershed.
Our work for Clean Water Services frequently has us highlighting local wildlife and landscapes with hand-held and aerial cameras, documenting the unique relationship of sites to the populations nearby.
Often we capture photographs of interview subjects and client personnel. These casual, authentic glimpses into the lives of our subjects speak volumes.
Each year, we spend time with Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest volunteers, capturing intimate, spontaneous moments at work and in their shared communities.
A successful campaign marries eye-catching imagery with simple, memorable messaging.
We created a series of eye-catching photos to drive the Oregon Cultural Trust’s three-year “Donate, Match, Get the Whole Match Back” campaign.